

開始日期 可發放I-20開始日期 可發放I-20

課表:6:00 pm - 8:30 pm(2.5小時/日 : 1〜週4)
學費明細:$516 (登錄費$36, 教室聽課費 $360, 教材費・ID $120)

※商務英文也可同時與「一般英語課程」(Standard English Program)選修,詳情請洽詢本校人員。


  • 學習商務英文中常用的單詞與慣用句
  • 學習如何將活動順利進行的商務英文


項目 學習內容 寫作重點
1 & 2 基礎商務英文

• 委託、提案、交涉方法/工作優先順序

• 商務英文

3 會議 • 會議調整•通知 • 傳真書函寫法
4 商務・工作內容 • 關於工作內容・職場討論 • 推薦信寫法
5 與其他公司對應・接觸 • 問題對應方法 • 報告書寫法
6 關於工作執行狀況 • 彙報工作執行狀況與討論 • 回復顧客郵件書信
7 團隊管理

• 對團隊的要求・提案・交涉

• 對前期業績比較討論記述方式

• 年度報告
8 顧客應對 • 索賠・談判案的答復・回答方法 • 致歉信寫法
9 達成目標 • 營業計劃和預測的討論 • 目標報告
10 商品比較 • 關於商品功能・比較的問題和回答 • 對營業人員筆記
11 管理上的挑戰・動機和生產率 • 交換意見・動機的提高方式和商務成果 • 會議記錄寫法
12 廣告 • 廣告戰略討論・網站設計提案 • 市場定位及調查

專任教師 (Frank Clements)

弗蘭克(Frank Clements)在本校擔任商務英文教師約兩年。曾在華盛頓針對投資進行調查,分析法律及法規等在經濟上如何對紐約客戶產生政治影響。他也曾在捷克斯洛伐克布拉格的Tesla SRO和Price Waterhouse Coopers,為負責財務商務專家們擔任過講師。弗蘭克也曾從事銷售、市場營銷、項目管理工作的商務英文的講師。(紐約州教育廳資格認證教師)


I liked the business class very much! That was amazing! Because of the small class size we could express our individual wishes for what we wanted to learn.

Marco Saraiva  - August 2017
Class : Business English

The best way to improve your English skills is to study in an English speaking country! That’s why I decided to find a language school in the U.S. to improve my English. I am a German/Portuguese citizen and I work for an insurance company in Germany. I studied Business Administration.

I took the entire 12-week Business English course. My goal is to work for an international company. I liked the business class very much! The average class size in business was only two students. That was amazing! Because of the small class size we could express our individual wishes for what we wanted to learn. In my course, I created an individual elevator pitch, letter of application/CV, and optimized my LinkedIn profile. The instructor is a native English speaker but also a specialist in business because he worked on Wall Street.

Every day we read the daily newspaper and discussed business related articles. We also analyzed business videos on Bloomberg and CNN. In addition, we took fieldtrips to the Museum of Finance and the Federal Hall located in the Wall Street area.

The school is accredited and very professional. Before the lessons begin, there is a written and oral placement test. Every month there is an exam. Don´t worry about that! If you pay attention in your classes you will pass the exam. At the end of the program you get a professional certificate from the course for your CV! The entire staff is very smart, helpful, and professional.

To socialize with other students I participated in the Friday voluntary school activities. We visited many New York attractions. I had the opportunity to build new friendships and network with people from all over the world.

I will recommend the New York English Academy 200% in Germany and Portugal! Thank you for this experience!

It is incredible how fast it works!

Kadija Camara  - August 2017
Class : Business English

Hello my name is Kadija Camara and I am 20 years old. I came to the NYEA Business course because I needed to improve my English for my bachelor’s degree. It is incredible how fast it works! Being an NYEA student will be one of my best life experiences not only because I learned English but also because of the diversity of the students I met.

